tooth extraction healing

Factors Affecting Tooth Extraction Hole Healing

After the wisdom teeth removal, the healing process should take no more than 6 weeks. This is the time it takes the jawbone and the tissues to fully heal. The healing process differs depending on a person’s body immune response and other factors, such as the type of impaction that was operated on. If the teeth were deeply impacted into the jawbone, the healing time would be more, unlike impactions that are just on the soft tissue. However, some other factors can also prolong the healing time of an extraction hole, as will be discussed below.

Drinking with a straw

While your extraction hole is healing, it is advisable to avoid any suction movement in the mouth. These include drinking with a straw and spitting. The suction motion might cause the healing blood clot in the hole to get dislodged and lead to a fresh wound, prolonging the healing time. The fresh wound is referred to as a dry socket and is known to cause discomfort and pain.


Smoking after wisdom tooth removal is also one of the risk factors associated with the healing of the extraction hole. Smoking involves deep inhaling, which can also dislodge the clot on the hole. Tobacco and caffeine could delay the healing process or even cause infections because of the chemicals that may be present in the smoke. If you have to wait at least 48 hours after the surgery to smoke but even then inhale very gently.

Hard solid food

Healing requires that you eat soft food and fluids. Eating hard food such as crackers, cookies or nuts might harm the wound. Also, avoid food with small particles such as seeds and crumbs, which can get stuck inside the socket and delay healing.

Oral hygiene

It is good practice to maintain proper oral hygiene during your healing process to avoid infections that may arise from germs and bacteria getting into the wound. Your dentist may recommend using a mouth wash as opposed to brushing your teeth as that is not advisable at this time.

Avoid any other reactive medication

Some medicines may slow down the healing process or prevent clotting, so consult with your dentist if you are on any other medication after your surgery.
A dry socket can be very painful and may require emergency treatment. This means that you should have your dentist on speed dial in case you suspect you might be having a dry socket. Most dentists offer after office hour consultation services and may even treat you outside of office hours.

Bottom Line

A dry socket can be treated, and there is no need to panic if you suspect you might have it. Additionally, you can prevent a dry socket by following the above after wisdom teeth removal care tips. Your dentist will also give you a set of instructions to follow to speed up your healing process, and you should follow them to the letter. Visit our dentist in Melbourne for wisdom teeth removal and any other wisdom teeth related treatment. You can also reach out to us if you suspect having a dry socket after your wisdom teeth removal surgery. Our dentists are always happy to assist with any of your dental problems.

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