Wisdom teeth removal healing

Know The Important Healing Tips After The Removal Of Wisdom Teeth

The chances are that you have heard numerous terrifying stories about wisdom teeth extraction from family and friends who have had their wisdom teeth extracted. Now fear has crept in, and you are afraid of your upcoming wisdom teeth extraction procedure. Don’t worry- with the advancement of technology today; the process is not painful. Additionally, there are some few tips you can apply to speed up your healing process.

This article outlines for you some of the healing tips after removing wisdom teeth.

– Be Mindful of What you Eat

After your wisdom teeth removal procedure, avoid eating spicy, hot foods and beverages for the first few days or until the numbing effects have worn off. The stitches made on the gums will need time to settle in. Similarly, the tooth sockets will also need ample time to heal properly. Stick to soft foods such as yogurt during your initial few weeks. It is also advised not to chew foods using the back of your mouth where the stitches were made. Chewing food using the back part of your mouth may dislodge the blood clot forming at the tooth socket. You may start eating normally after a few months. This is because the stitches will have come out and there will be no remaining signs of inflammation.

– Open Your Mouth

Your mouth may feel quite rigid after a wisdom tooth extraction. Due to this rigidity, you may not be willing toopen your mouth at all. However, it is always important toopen your mouth a few times throughout the day or else this stiffness may become permanent. Always ensure to be gent and slow while opening your mouth the first time after the procedure.

– Keep Your Head Elevated During First Few Days

Keep your head elevated with many pillows when you are going to sleep to ensure that your upper body is at a 45-degree angle. Elevating your head will ensure that you heal faster since your blood volume and blood vessel tone near the wound changes when you lie flat. This makes your wound throb.

– Take It Easy

Once a blood clot has formed in the tooth socket, do all it takes to keep it intact. Keep off any strenuous activities that may lead to dislodging of the blood clot. Avoid drinking out of a straw and limit the number of times you talk, eat or drink during your initial days of surgery. Relax and take it easy until you have regained some of your energy back. You can also gently rinse your mouth with some salt water or antiseptic mouthwash to help soothe and clean the affected area. It also helps to reduce the risk of infections in your open wound.

– Schedule A Follow-up Visit

Book a follow-up appointment with your dentist to ensure that your wound has healed properly and there are no complications emerging.

Bottom Line

Wisdom teeth extraction is an important procedure, especially if you are looking forward to having optimal dental health in the future. As much as the process has a high success rate, the experience and expertise of the dentist also play an important role. If you are considering a wisdom tooth extraction or would like an initial evaluation, do not hesitate to consult our dentists in Melbourne for advice and treatment. Our dentists are well trained and have years of experience in the field.

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