Home Remedies to Reduce Wisdom Teeth Pain

Wisdom teeth are the last teeth to come in from our gums and are positioned at the back of our mouths. In some instances, wisdom teeth can become extremely painful thus resulting in a distinctive dull ache. Recent studies have shown that about 85% of people with wisdom teeth have to get them extracted. Since the other 28 teeth have already fully grown, the wisdom teeth often do not get enough room to fit properly thereby resulting in some dental complications.

In most cases, wisdom teeth come in at an awkward angle and they can easily trap food remains causing proliferation of bacteria. In other instances, wisdom teeth can become impacted leading to tender gums, aches, and pain. Unluckily, not everyone experiencing wisdom teeth pain have the opportunity to visit a dentist immediately. Therefore, below are several ways you can manage wisdom teeth pain using home remedies before you get the opportunity to see a dentist.

– Apply an Ice Pack

Wrap some ice with a towel and apply it on the affected area for 15-20 minutes intervals every few hours. Applying ice to the affected area lessens swelling around the wisdom tooth. Ice also has a numbing effect which helps in reducing the pain.

– Warm Salty Water

Warm salty water is an effective antibacterial and a well-known remedy for wisdom teeth pain. Just ensure that you use warm water since cold water can trigger sharp pain due to the gums and teeth sensitivity that occurs when the teeth emerge. Mix salt with some warm water and gargle for 30 seconds and spit out the solution.

– Clove Oil

For a long time now, cloves have been used as an analgesic and tooth pain reliever. Research studies have proven that clove oil is highly effective at reducing pain. They also have the added advantage of fighting bacteria that put you at risk of infections.

– Apply Soothing Herbs and Spices

Make a paste of either cayenne pepper, ginger or goldenseal with some water and dab it on the aching tooth using a cotton ball. These spices and herbs produce heat and the warmth produced will counteract the severe tooth pain.

– Numbing Gel

Numbing the affected area is a perfect way of reducing wisdom teeth pain and discomfort. Look for an oral numbing gel that contains active ingredient benzocaine and rub it on the paining tooth.

– Onions

This may sound quite strange, but it works. Cut a small portion of onion and chew it with the affected side of your mouth. The onion juice contains phytochemicals, which help to kill germs that are responsible for the infections.

Bottom Line

As much as these home remedies have been proven to reduce wisdom teeth pain, they are only short-term solutions and cannot treat the problem completely. Normally, when your wisdom teeth become impacted the dentist will advise that you have them extracted to offer long-term relief.

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