Wisdom Teeth Pain

How To Manage Post-surgery Wisdom Teeth Pain?

If you’re someone who freaks out about visiting a dentist for regular teeth cleaning, then the thought of you getting your wisdom teeth extracted may have you shook. There is a lot of hype surrounding the removal of wisdom teeth, and this is mostly because it can be painful.

Wisdom teeth extraction is more of a process than just taking out a tooth from where they are located. Wisdom teeth are found in the back corners of the mouth, and in some cases, they can be impacted. This means that they are stuck under the bone and tissue. Therefore, they need to be drilled and removed.

However, despite the hype linked to the procedure, most patients get better within 3-4 days after the surgery. It is vital that you talk with your dentist beforehand to ensure that you clearly understand your post-surgery treatment plan and what you are supposed to do to help speed up the healing process. Here are a few simple ways on how to manage post-surgery wisdom teeth pain.

– Over-the-counter medications

There are simple extractions for wisdom teeth that are not fully hidden under the gum or bone tissue. These wisdom teeth are fairly straight compared to other teeth and they are quite easy for the dentist to loosed and extract. Such extractions involve less amount of trauma therefore post-surgery pain can often be managed with over-the-counter drugs.

– Cleaning your mouth

When cleaning your mouth, be careful not to displace the blood clot from the extraction site. Gently dab the site using a clean and moist gauze pad. You could also use a mouthwash to rinse your mouth for the first three days if you prefer not to use a toothbrush.

– Comfort measures

It is common for a majority of patients to experience some pain or discomfort after having their wisdom teeth extracted. Avoiding spicy foods, hot drinks, alcohol, smoking and eating soft foods for at least a week after the surgery can make your healing process less painful and more comfortable.

You can use some warm salty water to gently rinse your mouth for a day or two after the surgery for a soothing effect. Also, placing an ice pack on the swollen area can help lessen the swelling and pain. Wrap an ice pack on a towel and place it on the swollen area for about fifteen minutes at a time.

– Considerations

Some post-surgery complications may occur leading to an unanticipated increase in pain. Pain that consistently increases for 2-4 days after the surgery indicate that there is a development of a complication. Pain relief for such complications is prescription pain medications and treatment.

Bottom Line

It is our wish and desire that your healing process is as smooth and pleasant as possible. And keenly following your dentist’s instructions and applying the simple tips above will help you to have a smooth recovery. However, if you’ve any questions or concerns about wisdom teeth removal procedure, kindly contact or schedule an appointment with our dentist in Melbourne today.

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