how to sleep after wisdom teeth removal

Post-Procedure Tips to Sleep after Wisdom Tooth Removal

Wisdom teeth removal has become a very common dental procedure of late. Both teenagers and adults have their wisdom teeth removed on a regular basis. While dentists often try as much as possible to ensure the procedure is as painless as possible, high chances are that you will experience pain after the anaesthesia wears off. This can cause discomfort even while sleeping. Here are some tips to help you sleep better after wisdom teeth removal procedure.

Choose a comfortable sleeping position

Most dentists often recommend supervised sleeping where you have someone watch you as you sleep and wake you up from time to time to check if the gauze is still intact. Sleeping should be easy if only one side has been removed because you can just lay on the other side. If you have had all your wisdom teeth removed, meaning both upper and lower on either side of your mouth, then choosing a comfortable sleeping position can be challenging. However, you can try lying on your back so that you are not putting any pressure on either side of the mouth. If you are not used to sleeping in this position, then you can place a fluffy pillow on the side you are comfortable sleeping in to reduce pressure on the wisdom teeth site.

Keep your head elevated

The best sleeping position is when your head is well elevated above the level of your heart. This way, blood flow is minimized on the upper part of your body, reducing pain in those areas. If you always use only one pillow, you can use two during this time until your wound is healed.

Take prescribed pain medication

It is not easy to pull through wisdom teeth removal or any dental procedure for that matter without pain medication. Take your prescribed pain medication to reduce the pain you might experience post-operation. If the pain medication is not doing it for you, you can use an ice pack to help you take a little nap or fall asleep, after which you will remove it. You don’t want to sleep next to a melted ice pack, so make sure to remove it or ask someone to remove it for you once you fall asleep.

Follow the dentist’s postoperative instructions

After your procedure, your dentist will give you a number of instructions to help you heal faster. Such instructions as not spitting or brushing, staying hydrated and eating healthy are very important in the healing process. You will also be instructed on the right time to remove your gauze. This differs from dentist to dentist. Make sure you follow these instructions to the letter to avoid any complications that may arise from failure to follow them.

Bottom Line

These tips will not only help you sleep better but also help you heal much faster.For all your wisdom teeth removal procedures and postoperative advice, visit our dentist in Melbourne who will take you through a painless wisdom teeth removal procedure and clear postoperative care advice.

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