Important Facts About Wisdom Teeth You Must Know

Every tooth in your mouth has a specific function and a specific name. The front teeth in the mouth are made to grasp and bite food while the back teeth or molar teeth are designed to grind food into a smooth consistency suitable for swallowing. Normally, an average person is supposed to have 32 teeth by the age of 18 years- upper 16 teeth and 16 lower. However, an average mouth is only designed to hold a maximum of 28 teeth. And this is why it can be extremely painful when 32 teeth try to fit in an average mouth that best holds 28 only. These four extra teeth are the third molars which are also known as wisdom teeth.

Wisdom teeth removal is something that most of us can relate to, having gone through the experience ourselves. And as much as most of us have our wisdom teeth extracted, the procedure is still surrounded by thoughts of anxiety and fear. Wisdom teeth extraction is done as a preventative measure,and there are several reasons why a tooth needs to be extracted. Some of the reasons include incorrect growth, need to make room for orthodontic appliances, fractures or decay. As always, our dentists at Melbourne like to enlighten our patients so that they can reduce anxiety as much as possible. So, here are some important facts about wisdom teeth you must know.

– Wisdom Teeth Can Cause Problems

Wisdom teeth can be troublesome and may lead to major oral and periodontal problems. It does not matter whether your wisdom teeth have developed properly without any complications, it is still common for your dentist to recommend an extraction as a preventative measure. Some of the most common oral problems that can emerge with the development of wisdom teeth are pericoronitis, tooth decay, cysts, and impaction.

– Wisdom Teeth Extraction is a Common Procedure

Wisdom teeth extractions are performed every single day in Australia. These procedures have become more effective, comfortable and safe than ever before.

– Not All Wisdom Teeth erupt at the Same Time

Your wisdom teeth may not erupt at the same time as another person. And neither will all four of your wisdom teeth emerge at once. Two of your teeth may erupt while the other two might take another one or two years.

– Problematic Wisdom Teeth can be Asymptomatic

While wisdom teeth complications can endanger someone’s life, certain patients do not experience any symptoms at all till the issue has advanced. Therefore, it is essential that you see the dentist regularly to determine whether your wisdom teeth are coming in properly or not.

– Recovery can be easy

Recovering from wisdom teeth extraction can be quite easy. Just ensure that you take pain medications, eat soft foods, and avoid sucking on straws and strenuous physical activities for an easy recovery process.

Bottom Line

If you are not sure about wisdom teeth extraction or have any lingering questions about wisdom teeth removal, do not hesitate to contact our dentists.

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