Wisdom teeth facts

Unfolding some facts and myths on wisdom teeth

While the internet is an excellent source for researching wisdom teeth extraction procedure, it is quite easy to fall prey to websites that provide false information and be directed in the wrong direction. Fortunately, you are not alone. As much as dentists encourage you to research and understand your upcoming wisdom tooth removal procedure, they also emphasize the importance of knowing whether the information you are finding is fact or myth. Our dentists in Melbourne have extensive experience with wisdom teeth extraction, and they know the most frequently asked questions and myths that surround wisdom teeth removal.

So, here is a quick guide to the common myths and facts that surround wisdom teeth.

– Everyone has Wisdom Teeth

Fact is, not everyone has wisdom teeth, and some people may only have partial sets. A complete set of wisdom teeth includes four molars. However, some people may only have an incomplete set while a few may not have any wisdom teeth at all. It is essential to note that just because you cannot see wisdom teeth erupt from your gums does not mean you do not have them. They may be there but never break through the gums, and they may still cause you problems.

– Wisdom Teeth Must Always Be Extracted

Fact is, wisdom teeth do not always need to be extracted. According to recent research, about 10 million wisdom teeth are extracted each year in Australia from 5 million people. And more than 60% of these extractions are not necessary. If your wisdom teeth are properly aligned and healthy, there is no reason for them to be removed.

– Presence Of Wisdom Teeth Can Cause Overcrowding

Fact is, some people who have wisdom teeth do not have crowding problem. It only means that their jaw has sufficient room to accommodate the wisdom teeth. However, numerous people suffer from overcrowding when the wisdom teeth grow in, and in such instances, extraction is necessary to avoid crowding.

– One Should Only Eat Soft Foods After Wisdom Teeth Removal

This is not a myth. You may experience some pain and slight bleeding around the empty tooth socket immediately after your wisdom teeth extractions. To ensure that the area is not irritated, avoid eating chewy, hard or extremely hot foods. Therefore, it means you will have to stick to milkshakes, yoghurt, and smoothies during your initial healing period. Any food that you can gulp without chewing is perfect for you after having your procedure.

– Wisdom Teeth Removal Is becomes Harder As You Age

Despite the fact the recovery process is different for everyone, the truth is that it will be easier for someone who is younger. When you are young, the root of the tooth is not fully developed, and the bones are not dense. These factors contribute to easier healing time and less pain after your procedure.

Bottom Line

Our dentists in Melbourne aim at ensuring our patients are fully informed about their treatment and have the right online resources to understand their approaching wisdom teeth extractions. If you have any inquiries about wisdom teeth, feel free to contact our dentists in Melbourne to find out if you then and whether you need to remove them.

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