Wisdom teeth extraction

What are wisdom teeth good for?

Our mouth undergoes a lot of changes throughout our life. And one major oral breakthrough that takes place is the appearance of our third molars between the age of 17 and 21 years. Generally, these teeth are named as wisdom teeth since they emerge when you are turning into a young adult. When wisdom teeth erupt properly, they can assist you to grind and chew food. It is common to feel uncomfortable when they grow in, but if they cause you any pain, it is important to visit the dentist immediately.

Purpose and Function of Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth are alleged to be evolutionary remnants. They were useful to our early ancestors who fed on foods that were tough and rough such as reed plants and hard nuts. When their teeth fell out or wore down, these teeth acted as replacement teeth. With recent technological advancement in oral hygiene and soft diet, we do not need wisdom teeth. However, they still erupt. Fundamentally, our mouth can only fit up to 28 teeth, but when you include wisdom teeth, they add up to 32 teeth that are all fighting for room. Therefore, this may result in signs and symptoms such as gum infections, impaction, and damage of the jaw bone or nerves.

The Problem with Wisdom Teeth

Each patient is unique, but generally, wisdom teeth extraction may be needed when they come with disturbing symptoms. Some of these wisdom teeth symptoms include:

– Pain behind the molars.

Usually, this pain slowly increases as the wisdom teeth continue to grow in. They emerge exerting pressure on the nerves and bone, sideways or misaligned and crowding nearby teeth thus resulting in the throbbing pain.

– Redness, soreness, and inflammation around the area

As wisdom teeth emerge, they tend to allow in bacteria through the open gums hence resulting in infections. Mouth infections are also known to affect your general health too.

– Impacted Wisdom teeth

This is a state in which the neighbouring teeth or jaw bone prevent the wisdom teeth from emerging. As a result, they get trapped inside the gums while their roots continue to grow in length leaving them impacted. Therefore, increasing the chances of causing problems to your body and oral health. Impacted wisdom teeth symptoms include infections, serious pain behind the molars, bad taste while chewing food, swelling, redness, and bad breath. When all these are left untreated, cysts and tumours can emerge.

Are you keeping wisdom teeth?

In case your wisdom teeth are not removed then they are supposed to be monitored by a dentist since they have higher chances of developing issues in the future. As you age, you are at a higher risk for developing health issues, and this includespossibleissues with your wisdom teeth. Ensure that you brush, floss and visit the dentist regularly.

Bottom Line

Our dentists in Melbourne offer a wide range of surgical treatments including wisdom tooth extraction. If you needa wisdom tooth extraction, kindly feel free to contact or schedule an appointment with us. Our dentists will be glad to evaluate your developing wisdom teeth, and if they determine you need extraction, they will perform the procedure.

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