pain after dental injection

Wisdom Tooth Infection – Symptoms, Cause, and Remedy

Wisdom teeth, also known as the third molars, are the final set of molars to emerge. Most people grow their wisdom teeth between the ages of 18 and 25. Most of the time, these teeth are not properly aligned and are often unable to erupt. Due to such reasons, wisdom teeth can lead to various problems such as infection. Anyone who has ever gone through the pain of wisdom teeth infection will tell you it is best to avoid it altogether. The pain can be extreme and can also lead to other dental complications. This article takes a look at wisdom teeth symptoms, causes, and remedy.

Causes of Wisdom Teeth Infection

Impacted wisdom teeth occur when your third set of molars fail to come in the right way. Wisdom teeth that grow in partially can become a breeding ground for bacteria resulting in an infection. This is because the shape and the angle may make tooth decay more likely to occur. Wisdom teeth may also get infected because it is harder to clean. It is quite simple to miss the space between the back of your mouth and the wisdom teeth while brushing and flossing.

Signs and Symptoms of Infection

  • Pain

This is the most common sign of infection. Typically, you will feel pain where the wisdom teeth are supposed to be. There are also cases where the infected wisdom teeth can cause a throbbing pain to spread to the neck, jaw, and throat.

  • Headaches

Can wisdom teeth cause headaches? Sometimes the pain from infected wisdom teeth can be so severe in a way that it results in headaches.

  • Pus Drainage

Pus can also come from the infected tooth. Pus is a yellowish or whitish substance that normally comes from infection. It contains dead white blood cells.

  • Soreness and Swelling

Wisdom teeth infection can lead to swollen lymph nodes from the sore throat and under the jaw. The swelling can also be extended to the face.

  • Difficulty in Chewing and Eating

The infected wisdom teeth can be so painful, causing difficulties in chewing and eating.


Before anything else, the dentist will evaluate the wisdom teeth and see if it can be treated. There are several remedies for wisdom teeth which include:

  • Scrapping and Irrigation

Instead of having to rely on antibiotics alone, the dentist can go an extra mile to irrigate and scrap away accumulated debris within the area of infection.

  • Antibacterial Oral Rinse

Your dentist can recommend chlorhexidine or any other good oral bacteria rinse to clean the infected area.

  • A Course of Antibiotics

Your dentist will also recommend some antibiotics to kill the bacteria.

  • Tooth Extraction

If all the other remedies are not effective, your dentist can recommend wisdom teeth extraction to prevent further damage. However, the dentist will first manage the infection before extracting the tooth.

Bottom Line
Prevention is better than cure. Once your wisdom teeth start growing, it is best to visit your dentist regularly for examination. A dentist can recommend wisdom teeth removal early enough before the tooth becomes problematic. Feel free to visit our dentist in Melbourne for examination and wisdom teeth removal.

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