
Wisdom Teeth Surgery – Frequently Asked Questions

We are aware that wisdom teeth surgery can be quite confusing and you may have several questions. And because of this, our dentists in Melbourne are ready and willing to answer any of your questions. Over time we have noticed that some questions get asked frequently than others. That is why we have gone an extra mile to gather them up and have our dentists answer them below for your convenience. If you have a question that you do not see answered below, then we encourage you to feel free and contact our dental office today and speak to one of our helpful staff.

What are wisdom teeth?

Wisdom teeth are also referred to as third molars,and they usually appear in the mouth between the ages of 17 and 25 years. Majority of people have four wisdom teeth; two on the upper side and two in the bottom, however, some people may have one, two, three or even none at all.

Why do we have wisdom teeth?

According to anthropologists, wisdom teeth used to serve a valuable purpose in our ancestors’life, they needed them to help chew and break down their tough diet of roots, leaves,and meat. However, in our modern diet, we eat softer foods that are much gentle to our teeth thus making wisdom teeth irrelevant.

What are some symptoms of wisdom teeth?

Some of the symptoms of wisdom teeth are jaw tenderness, pain, discharge if an infection or abscess is present, swollen gums or you can see it poking through the gums behind your second molar. However, in some people, there are no noticeable or visible symptoms of wisdom teeth pain.

What is an impacted wisdom tooth?

Wisdom teeth are referred to as impacted when they fail or partially erupt through the gums. Impacted wisdom teeth are common and mostly cause no pain or problems. However, it is paramount to remember that whether they are impacted or fully erupted, it is possible for them to cause problems if they are not well-taken care for by flossing, brushing and regular dental visits.

Why do wisdom teeth need to be removed?

If wisdom teeth are impacted or cause overcrowding, it is advisable that you have them removed to avoid damaging your other teeth. Wisdom teeth grow at the very back of your mouth which makes them hard to reach when brushing or flossing. Wisdom teeth can become severely infected and decayed,and that is why they require to be extracted.

What are the types of foods can I eat after having wisdom teeth surgery?

On the day of surgery, eat cool and soft foods such as cottage cheese, applesauce or yogurt. Avoid eating hot foods as they may disturb initial clot formation in the extraction sites. Days after the surgery, it is best to avoid chewy and crunchy such as nuts, potato chips,and popcorn since they can get stuck into the extraction sites.

How do I learn more about wisdom teeth surgery?

If you want to learn more about wisdom teeth extraction, what the procedure is like and if you need one, contact our dentist in Melbourne and book an appointment today. We will examine you and let you know the best way to proceed.

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